Tui Na
Tui Na is a form of sports and medical massage mainly used in treatment of musculoskeletal pain or injuries. With the combination of massage, Acupuncture, manipulation, joint mobilization with stretching, Tui Na helps to allow the blood and body fluids to flow through the body unobstructed, therefore assisting the body to recover from injury or disease to address specific patterns of disharmony. Tui Na therapy uses what is popularly known as “Acupressure” where the practitioner uses finger pressure instead of Acupuncture needles to stimulate the Acupuncture points.
When muscles and body tissue become undernourished caused by compression to the vessels which supply the blood to local or distal areas, this can lead to tension and further problems. Tui Na therapy can help to maintain stability to the tissues creating a sense of well-being and relaxation. Creating balance within the muscle and tissues helps the blood and body fluids to therefore move freely within the body. Tui Na treatment is sometimes given in conjunction with Acupuncture or cupping.
What to Expect
The practitioner will start by taking a detailed medical history including information about the symptom(s) you have presented with in order to make a clear diagnosis of your condition(s). You will be able to discuss your treatment options agree of course of action and the therapist will obtain your consent to treatment. Consent to treatment may be withdrawn at any stage of your treatment.
When treatment starts you will be asked to remove clothing to your level of comfort.the therapist will leave the room for you to get undressed and asked you to lie on the treatment bed covering your body with towels provided except the areas which is having treatment.
Throughout treatment relaxation music is played, however if you find this may be distracting please tell your therapist.
Tui Na massage can be administrators through a towel or directly contact on the skin.
As your treatment begins your therapist will check on the pressure and your comfort, if you feel any discomfort at any time please tell your therapist. Your comfort is important and are therapist can change pressure of this massage to suit your needs.
We can insure that personal information and medical history provided are kept strictly confidential. The information will not be disclosed without your written consent. You are safe in the knowledge that at Widnes Tui Na Massage Clinic all therapists are certified and are registered with The Acupuncture Society.